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Wood chippers, dual purpose chipper/shredders and commercial materials recycling machines
Chip Wood chipper
The original Hardmet Landforce Chip range of dedicated towed wood chippers offers 3 machines with a feed capacity from 165mm to 235mm, equipped with powerful Deutz diesel engines - from 30hp to 61hp - giving reliable power, all day ... >> read more
Chip 100/27 Wood chipper - Trailer swivel-mounted
Compact and easily towed, this trailer swivel-mounted wood chipper is powered by a Kohler Command 27hp engine and is suitable for chipping branches up to 4" (100mm) ... >> read more
Chip 730 Terex heavy duty wood chipper
The heavy-duty Chip 730 Terex wood chipper - massive 330mm capacity wood chipper for chipping tree trunks, logs & large branches ... >> read more
Duo wood chipper and green waste shredder
Our Duo combination chipper shredders, priced to compete with dedicated single use machines, are very rugged dual-purpose machines, with a 200mm-235mm feed capacity, handling everything from large branches to light brush ... >> read more
Recycling machine & multi-use waste shredder
An extremely versatile and very powerful multi-use shredder and recycling machine - ideal for Local Authorities, building/construction companies and contractors: shreds materials and reduces waste volume ... >> read more
Wow - what a bit of kit! It just destroys anything my lads put into it - built in the Jeremy Clarkson school of thinking, ie built to be thrown off cliffs and still work at the bottom! Work is on the up so have just ordered another.
If you want a wood chipper, or chipper-shredder, you've come to the right place - Hardmet Landforce machines are built to last and will never let you down.
We supply machines that can last you a lifetime. Our machines are used on the Queen's Balmoral and Sandringham estates: a measure of just how well-respected they are!
Superb machines and unrivalled customer service mean Landforce is by far your best option for new machinery.
We offer competitive prices and pride ourselves on never letting our customers down. Your total satisfaction is our goal.
Wood chippers and chipper-shredders
The Hardmet Landforce range includes an industry-leading range of wood chippers and dual-purpose chipper-shredders to suit all your needs -
- the rugged and durable Duo wood chipper / green waste shredders, combining a fully-featured wood chipper and green waste shredder in one reliable, powerful unit
- the original Landforce Chip range of dedicated wood chippers - 165mm, 200mm & 235mm capacity - all the power you need when you want it!
- The smaller and keenly-priced Chip 100/27 wood chipper - compact and easily towed, trailer swivel-mounted 100mm capacity wood chipper
- The heavy-duty Chip 730 Terex wood chipper - massive 330mm capacity wood chipper for chipping tree trunks, logs and large branches.
Materials recycling machinery
The Hardmet Landforce Commercial offers versatile materials recycling commercial solutions.
Materials recycling commercial machinery >> more information