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Wood chippers > Chip 100/27 trailer swivel-mounted wood chipper
Also see the
original Landforce Chip range of wood chippers
and the
Landforce Chip 730 Terex wood chipper
The Chip 100/27 trailer swivel-mounted wood chipper is suitable for chipping branches up to 4" (100mm). This wood chipper model is powered by a Kohler Command 27hp engine.
Chip 100/27 trailer swivel-mounted wood chipper
Length: 3.1m; 2.3m (transport) Height: 2.39m; 2.3m (transport)Width: 1.57m Weight: 608kg
Power: 3-8 m3/hr Fuel consumptlon: 7.0 l/hr
Kohler Command CH 740S (four-stroke air-cooled)Power: 27hp (20.1kW) at 3600rpm
Chipping specifications
Max capacity: 100mm (4") Cutting speed: 43m/sNo of blades: 4 Blade diameter: 446mm
Chip length: 11mm
Feed specifications
Feed hole (BxH): 180x140mm Hopper (BxH): 900x700mmRollers: 2 (upper powered, lower unpowered)
Roller diameter: 160mm top, 127mm bottom
12m/min (manual control) up to 35m/min
Drive: hydrostatic
Click here to request more information on the Chip 100/27.